Working in the shop on an old school L20B. This engine while very basic and straight forward is a real treat to work on. I love looking at the technology of its day to see how things worked and what was considered the “in” system of its time.
I’ve been busy working on many projects but this weekend I did some construction work on the L20B cylinder head combustion chambers. From the factory these things are very small. Lots of quench and lots of room for improvement. So I took what I learned years ago in the V8 world and applied it to this cylinder head. (The similarities between this cylinder head and a domestic 2 valve Chevy head are strikingly similar)
So here are a little before and after pics.
Specs :
3 Angle Performance Valve Job
Milled Deck
Fully Worked Combustion Chambers
Up next is the short block and the rest of the assembly to put together. This will be one mean L20B once completed. I’m quite confident the customer will have great success with his new setup.
I get a lot of phone calls every week regarding parts selection and pricing on components. Many ask me whats the best piston to run or what I feel is the best for certain applications. While I have my own view on certain parts and criteria in which they can be used for or should be used for I feel that ultimately the customer should be educated well enough to make the best decision for his/her self instead of running what X person suggests. After all, I can only suggest what I consider the best or most viable option, the customer at the end of the day is the one who ultimately makes the decision on the final call of what they want to purchase and run in their assembly.
So lets talk about what pistons on the market are available (off the shelf) for the VG30DE engines. We have CP Pistons, Wiseco, Ross, Probe, (discontinued recently but if you can find a set online new GRAB THEM!) JE, (which I have found out are made in Wisecos factory) & Arias. Im sure there are some others that are available or made for our platform but these are the ones that are most commonly used in building a VG30 engine.
The two pistons I’m going to select to make a good comparison on are between CP and Wiseco. The reason for this is because out of 10 builds I produce at random these are the two most widely used pistons in the VG30 outfit. So I will do a break down on comparisons regarding each piston and what I personally like about each one over the other and the drawbacks.
Lets start with WISECO PISTONS. Great piston, quality, 2618 forging, readily available, affordable and has some great qualities to list. They are among one of the most top picked pistons for the VG30 and are advertised more with rebuild kits than most others, mainly because of the attributes I stated above.
So what are some specs that I like about the Wiseco piston (Part # K549M88). Lets look at the top ring land. It is the largest (tallest) out of any of the top ring lands on any other forged piston on the market. It has integrated detonation grooves that prevent carbon-buildup from locking up the top ring and help keep the air and fuel in suspension. The accumulation of gases that get by the top ring can unseat it, and the pressure groove delays this action. They protect the top ring by disrupting detonation waves as well. These grooves limit the piston/cylinder contact during high temperature and RPM. This is the only piston that I know of that has this feature standard off the shelf in their design.
Another feature is a floating pin bore. What does this mean? A floating pin bore simply means that the pin once installed in the pin bore of the piston it rides on a thin film of oil which is commonly called pin floating, hence floating pin bore. Oil is supplied through a single oil feed hole that is provided by the bottom oil expansion ring groove. It is very important to clearance the pin bore for the wrist pin on moderate to high HP engines or engines that see a lot of abuse. The added clearance helps prevent galling and allows for a smoother rotating assembly and helps keep the parts cooler and working order longer.
Thin ring technology, this is great because the thinner the ring is the less friction it has going up and down in the cylinder bore. The trade off is the “type” of ring you run that comes in the piston kit from Wiseco. Wiseco uses a standard scraper 2nd ring which acts similar to a napier ring but not quite. Its positive function on scraping the excess oil off the cylinder walls helps in preventing oil consumption as well as blow by relief. A napier or THG (tapered hook groove) ring provides a superior scraping affect and prevention of blow by compared to a standard scraper ring. The top ring is a chrome steel nitride ring that resists high heat, less friction wear resistance and is highly durable. The oil or expansion rings are standard ear angle which are common on most pistons.
Wiseco pistons feature a straight side wall which reduces overall weight of the piston, which is nice, but does lend a draw back that creates a thin spot surrounding the outside area of the pin bore. Some consumers have had issues with the Wisecos cracking around the pin bore and I’ve diagnosed this issue to be directly related to them not adding clearance to the pin bores as I’ve mentioned above. You have to remember the more abuse you put on parts the more they will want to move and distort, giving them some breathing room or area to move greatly reduces premature failure. This rule of thumb can be applied to nearly every aspect of a race engines parts.
The Wiseco shelf piston weighs in at 341 grams making it one of the lightest pistons on the market. That’s a good thing because the lighter you can make a rotating assembly the more response it will have and it will enable the engine to rev more freely and effortlessly.
So overall I give this piston a thumbs up for not only being affordable, readily available,but also having the tallest ring land of any piston but its one of the lightest pistons on the market.
Wiseco Piston Kit K549M88
Crown of pistons (Static 8.5:1 Compression)
Tallest top ring land with anti-detonation grooves
Single oil feed supply
View of thin side walls around pin bore housing
View of straight wall which reduces overall weight of piston and wall thickness near pin bore housing
Now lets talk about the CP PISTONS. Robust, 2618 forging, radius shoulder side walls, shorter piston by design, premium machining details, and reasonably affordable. The CP in is my favorite piston and for a few good reasons.
The first thing I want to bring up is that this piston as well has a floating pin bore design. However what makes this one different is that it has a twin feed for oiling of the wrist pin. Added oil prevents unwanted heat build up and certainly aids in keeping the pin coated in oil more efficiently. Wrist pins are made of 5100 series chrome moly steel just like the Wisecos are. HP rating of 600HP PER PIN (Both Wiseco & CP)
The CP piston does not have a taller top ring land but the deck thickness from the inside of the piston at the underside of crown to the top of the crown is solid. Even though the Wiseco has a taller top ring land it isn’t solid the entire diameter on the underside of the piston. The design in the forging is different than that of the CP.
CP runs a double walled thick 2nd oil ring which is very stout and does a decent/good job at retaining oil down to the sump. The top ring is a single walled thickness and is chrome nitride steel like the Wiseco variant. The CP does not use thin ring technology but thats ok, I feel they make up for it in the attention to detail with their machining of their pistons. CP does however use an accumulator groove which is a V shaped groove machined in the 2nd ring land to collect excess blow-by between the top and second ring. This groove collects residual gasses during combustion and alleviates top ring flutter while increasing ring seal. I normally get better compression numbers and ring seal with the CP ring package than I do with a Wiseco but every engine is different as well as the application in which they are built for so take that statement with a grain of salt. Its just something I’ve picked up on in dealing with these pistons for many years. The oil expansion ring is standard ear design like the Wiseco so those are on part with each other.
Radial shoulder side wall. BIG improvement over the Wisecos. At the pinch near the pin bore of the piston between the Wisecos and the CP, the CP trumps the Wiseco in thickness by nearly .050″. Thats quite significant. Having the shoulder side wall radius machined does yield the CP as the heavier contender as there is less material that has been removed but in my eyes the rigidity factor and material thickness in this key area is more reason to run this piston over Wiseco. The CP weighs in at 347 grams making it 6 grams heavier than the Wiseco unit.
Radius shoulder side wall
Top ring land and accumulator groove
BUT there is a price factor to take into consideration. Wiseco, while very formidable comes in at approx $620 USD give or take depending vendor of choice compared to CP which retails anywhere from $775-$900 depending the vendor. Thats a significant difference in price between the two. So ultimately the consumer really has to weigh out their options on what they want to invest in. I honestly like both pistons for their own reasons. If you are targeting a price point, Wiseco hands down is the way to go. If you are more concerned about quality of machining and overall improvements over what Wiseco offers CP is hands down your choice. There really is a lot to take into consideration when looking at these two pistons. Its a tough choice but I want consumers to be educated to what they are buying and not fed a bunch of hearsay from random individuals. My personal preference…well I am more of a refinement type of individual so my trust lay with CP but let me say this, I’ve built MANY engines that have made 800-1000HP using the Wisecos with no affects at all. If built properly and details attended to, the Wisecos can have a solid chance to become your next piston choice.
Here are some side by side comparison images of both a CP piston and a Wiseco piston for you to see.
Top side comparison
Piston showing difference in side walls
Straight through side wall comparison
CP on the left & Wiseco on the right
Difference in forging design on the underside
Showing the pinch at the bin bores
Interior of the CP
Interor of the Wiseco
CP twin feed oiling to the wrist pin
Wisecons single feed oiling to wrist pin
CP weight
Wiseco Weight
I hope if anything you’ve seen differences as well as advantages between both units shown today. Remember both pistons are good for their own reasons and can withstand a lot of power and abuse. Choose whatever piston you want to run for good reason rather than by what some random individual says. It always pays to do your homework and research the details so you make a better conscious decision on what parts to buy. And ALWAYS consult your engine builder/machinist they normally have the upper hand on what is good and what isn’t from experience and handling products. These are the individuals that really know and can help you decide beyond what research you’ve done on your own.
Oiling systems are very important to any and all engine types and setups. My focus with the Nissan platforms is to take whats already available and find their weak points and tackle them to make them better. Cooling by way of oil is a very important aspect of engine life and sustainability. Overall, if you can keep your outfit running more efficient and better cooled your engine will out perform others and do so consistently. For years manufactures have outfitted turbocharged and or supercharged engines with oil piston squirters. Their function is to spray/stream oil to a designated area under the piston to cool them down. The oil there by absorbs some of the heat and carries it down to the sump. Oil on some outfits is then pumped to an oil cooler where oil has a chance to really cool down and return to the engine for more work.
The VG30DE series engine has oil squirters outfitted in the block (3) feeding off the main return oil galley. The OE squirter is a split design and covers 2 pistons at the same time. Nissan developed 2 different styles, one for the twinturbo outfit and the other for a non turbo setup. The two are the same but slightly different in spray pattern.
(The “cleaner” (new looking) oil squirter is the NA one and the TT one is the oil stained one)
So where do we look now? Well its always a good idea to keep your parts running cool right? A new idea was envisioned and a drawing was made. My idea to further the oils ability to cool the piston was finally down on paper. With the continuing effort to produce more HP and TQ the engines see more heat and stress. So there has to be new efforts in coping with these new temperatures and stress levels. The idea is to control the oil on both sides under the crown of the piston there by allowing the oil to absorb as much heat as possible. Aiding in preventing detonation and improving the engines ability to keep cool under heavy load and conditions, this new development hopefully will bring new ways of keeping high performance VG30s alive longer.
This is not the final version of this oil squirter, but you can see what development is being done. I am continuing work on this and hopefully this year I can have a set of 3 to run tests with. Stay tuned! More things are soon to show up, so check back periodically for more details and information on other exciting products and services.
This is the newest forged piston out on the market that we have designed in conjunction with CP Pistons. This is a true 9.5:1 piston. Once compression is calculated this piston puts the engine at 9.2:1 compression PERFECT for boosted applications. GTP inspired to bring you the absolute best in performance, these pistons model the early style pistons that were used exclusively in the GTP series back in the late 80’s and early 90’s GTP SOHC engines. A blend of the old school with the new school these pistons feature attributes from a SOHC cylinder head profile (2 valve) and coupled with a DOHC lower half design features based off the DETT model engines. Z31 owners get the best of both worlds!
Piston Specs:
Full Forged 2618 Aluminum
Twin oil feed with radial groove for pin bore
HD wristpins
Full floating pin bore design
Lateral gas ports
Steel Nitride top ring
Napier Second Oil ring standard tension
Flat top design
Valve reliefs are 1mm over sized for aftermarket valves
Radial side wall for added strength
Available in any bore size, the customer has an endless selection at his or her disposal. 94mm pistons shown below.
Pistons are made to order and take approx. 4-6 weeks for completion. Please feel free to email me for pricing and or questions.
Alex P. contacted me some time ago to discuss availability on my oil pan and a few options for his engine, this lead to a long conversation which ended with him getting a full build done. I was excited to talk to him because of what parts he was running and planning to do with his build. Its not everyday you get customers willing and wanting to invest into their assemblies like he was doing. It was a real treat to work on his outfit. Alex is utilizing a few upgrades to include my newly introduced 8qt racing oil pan. When the time came to finally fit the pan onto the block, it just looked like it was meant to be. This entire build was an honor for me to do. Alex spared no expense in getting the right work done. I’m eager to see what kind of power he makes with this setup.
I got a phone call from Mr. Petar K. that I’ve been helping throughout the years. He called me looking to possibly get an engine built. Of course I was eager to build something for him so we discussed options and narrowed in on what could be done for his needs. He had a severe deadline which sort of had me worried but everything was contingent on his decision that had to be made by that following Monday. Monday came and he pulled the trigger to have a full short block assembly made. I was sweating bullets to get him this block done and it came together without issue and done actually a little early. Knowing what this short block was capable of, I certainly had no idea what his final plans were (turbos etc) till after he came and picked up the engine but knew what type of power he was aiming for. Fast forward a week later and I called to check in with him to see how the progress was going with the rest of his assembly.
Things were going together as planned. He was anxious to get things up and going for the up and coming dyno day he was scheduled for. Everything installed and running smoothly, he pulled up on the dyno and pushed out a whopping 789RWHP / 950BHP! WOW… I got a call from my Petar after he had gotten tuned and he was very excited that he just put down this type of power. I sat back and was in awe that something I just built with good parts and a solid attention to detail just put down an obscene amount of power. I mean as an engine builder you build your outfits to handle the power (and some) but it put my modifications to the test and it shined the entire rev band. It makes me happy that I can see my assemblies work like this especially when I have customers as excited as I get when I get the news.
My hat goes off to you Petar! Have fun and be safe out there!
Petars Mod list:
EP Racing Spec Shortblock
CP Forged Pistons .040″
SCAT H-Beam Forged Connecting Rods w/ ARP Rod Bolts
All Out Call Out (AOCO) is a heads up drag event held in Albuquerque, N.M and features some of the fastest cars in the area. This event was first started back in 2011 and this year on May 19th 2012 the second annual AOCO went off without a problem, bigger and better than last year. I was first approached by Alex Hanhardt of N.M Imports earlier in the year about this event and he wanted me to be a part of it. He explained the rules and regulations and the expected turn out. He sent me the website link to where I could see the buzz that was being generated and I was really impressed with how well Alex and his crew were organizing the event. After much talk back and forth over the phone I (EP Racing) decided to extend some gifts to help sponsor the event. I was eager to know how big this event was going to be so as the date was getting closer I thought to myself, “maybe I should take my wife and we both go out there to make a physical appearance”. Well the decision was made, my wife happy that she was going on a mini vacation and that our anniversary was around that time as well, so it was a win/win situation for us.
So I bought the plane tickets, scheduled off, packed our bags and off we went. Got to DFW airport and waited patiently to board. My wife and I talked about what New Mexico was/would be like. Of course we’d never been there so we truly didn’t know what to expect. Fast forward to 3 hours later. MARS…thats right folks, if you’ve never been to New Mexico and you are on your final approach to the airport all you can think about is the planet Mars. I joked with my wife about it and sent a text message to let him know we had landed and were going to get our rental and head his way. We stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (got some killer rates) which was really nice. We checked in and proceeded to N.M Imports to meet up with Alex for the first time. We hung around the shop some and then a black Z32 rolled up. At first I was thinking to myself, “who’s Z is this?”, then out pop Jeff Algarra or as we affectionately like to call him “Jeffe”. I also met Mike Taddoni who is the owner of Garage Built Rides and he was one of the big players to help get this event going. It was nice to finally meet these guys in person and talk shop and so forth. After about an hour or so of shooting the shit we all got together and went out to dinner and planned out the day of the event. Lots to do and lots to organize so we all discussed things, I offered to help as much as I could and we left dinner to rest up for the day ahead of us.
May 19th, dry heat, windy, about 87 degrees outside. It was warm but a good warm. The event started at N.M Imports for the Meet & Challenge preview. This was setup so that the racers could do their “call out” and meet the individuals they planned to race against. But remember, this was a heads up race so this was a first hand look for those that were participating to get a who’s who out there. My wife and I showed up to check out the buzz and see how many ppl were showing up. MASSIVE turn out! I couldn’t believe the amount of cars in this area. Made DFW, TX import scene look a bit weak in my opinion but none the less I could already tell this event was going to be really good. So I’m looking around and then start to see all these cars leave and head directly to the track, yep thats right…this All Out Call Out requires the racers to show up to the Meet & Challenge either by trailer or driving the car itself to the event but then they MUST drive the race car to the track from the meet. This was the rule to qualify to enter the race/event. I thought this was great because it put a level playing field for everyone. When’s the last time you saw a Z32 with huge Hoosier slicks hauling ass down the high way driving to the drag event? I surely haven’t as I’ve always seen them on a trailer. This is what set this event apart from all the rest. The fact it was a requirement made it that much more interesting to me.
So we leave the Meet & Challenge and head to the track. For being out in the middle of no where….literally, this place was really well maintained. It had a good feel and the racetrack was pretty clean. Don’t find that too often anymore. So people started rolling in, all sorts of Domestics and Imports, people from all over started showing up, it was turning out to be one hell of a show! Members of the AOCO organization were busy, with having ppl register and running practice sessions it was really a busy scene for them so I stepped up and handled the grill. Yea I know what you’re thinking, “why would you cook when you’re on your anniversary with your wife” well its simple really, these guys were beyond busy and I wanted to help out as best I could to give them a little break from running everything else. It was the least I could do. I was a cooking machine! I spent nearly 4 hours cooking but I had fun. I got to meet a lot of ppl and business owners in the area and saw some amazing cars! I didn’t get to see much of the racing but it was nice to just be a part of the crew not only for donating gifts and helping sponsor the event but to physically get in there and help them.
After the cooking was done and I had a chance to wind down for a little bit I decided to head back to the hotel. I was sun burnt, tired and exhausted from having a busy day but I had so much fun! My wife and I didn’t get back to the hotel till about 2AM! Yea LONG DAY! I thoroughly enjoyed myself that weekend spending it with good ppl and new friends and my amazing wife. I want to thank everyone from N.M Imports for their hospitality and making us feel at home. I look forward to next years AOCO and will absolutely make my second appearance in 2013. If you’ve never heard of AOCO definitely go check this even out. You won’t be disappointed.
If you’ve checked in within the past week or so you’ve seen the update on my project for EP Racing “Grey Goon”. I’ve already begun the path in getting outfitted for new parts for this chassis. This particular part(s) are the exhaust manifolds that are being built. (Specs soon to come) The beauty of these manifolds is that these will be one of the very few tubular manifolds that are fully equal length in design and will utilize a true vband setup. Im keeping my turbo selection under wraps for now but what you guys can know is that I’ll be running an external wastegate setup along with Tial stainless steel vband turbine housings. Quality is at an all time high with these manifolds and once completed and tested will be available exclusively right here at EP Racing.
For some time now I’ve been contemplating a new relationship with a new Z32 chassis. I’ve often wondered with the capabilities that lie within myself and the work at the shop, what strides can I accomplish in making a new race car vastly unique compared to anything else out there in the Z32 scene. Recently I was given the opportunity to acquire a new chassis from Sean Farrah (owner/operator) of SPL Parts in Austin, TX. It was a great decision on my part not only for personal reasons (finally get a new Z32 to do testing/product development on) but business wise too because I could begin a long business relation with SPL Parts that could possibly grow into something more as time progresses.
So a good buddy of mine Miles Hall aka” Milo” aka “Spanish Paprika” aka owner of Project LOWFATZ, aided my decision in purchasing this new chassis. Big plans were conjured about what we will do to the chassis once rolled into its new home. Full stripping of the interior, foam injection, roll cage, to name a few. Point is, this chassis was/is going places that no other Z32 chassis has gone before. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago she arrives at my shop door heartless but with that sexy fat ass that we all know and love on the Z32. Grey Goon I named her, for the sheer fact that she has this mystic grey metallic paint that its still one of my favorite colors from the factory and her being a goon to give the notion that she’s going to be doing some bullying on the street and definitely on the track.
Day 1-THE DROP OFF!!!!
We did a full walk through with the car and wrote down everything we were going to remove. The next day was going to begin the Grey Goons journey.
Day 2 – D Day
That same day “Spanish Paprika” rolled the front fenders on the “Goon” before I removed them.
After a long 12hr day we had the car fully stripped down to where we could really start to dive into it and get the underlying stuff out.
After we cleaned up everything the Grey Goon was sitting quietly in her current state. Waiting for more pampering and a new beginning.
There are big plans for this car as I sit here and write this blog about it. The ideas and parts that I plan to fabricate and build have never been done before and Im eagerly awaiting the day I can turn the key and hear her breathe again. I plan to race in a few different categories. So for all of you that have read this first entry of the “Grey Goon” be prepared to see the Z32 scene and community get put on its head because this car is going to set a new standard in Z32 performance. EP Racing will be a formidable entity in the race engine and race car building arena and plans to further its ability are soon underway.
279 Duration @ .400″ Lift (Adv.) Hydraulic Setup Largest Hydraulic camshaft on the market!
EP Racing is continuously striving to bring you the best aftermarket parts that are made right here in the USA. This new camshaft features a case hardening process (nitride hardening) that enables this camshaft to use a much stronger valve spring that what is currently on the market. Its produced right here in the USA. Highest quality cores available. Each camshaft kit comes with a cam card with profile information. Suggested valve springs to use at this current time are JWT HD, Ferrea dual coil and the Supertech dual coil valve springs. These all have adequate enough valve spring pressures both at seat and open pressures. EP Racing is currently working on bring to market 3 new valve springs that will enable the consumer have a much broader RPM range and better valve control than ever before.
More details/data to come after dyno tuning is done. Stay tuned!!!