Oiling systems, they plague us in the VG30 world. Hell nearly every engine has an oil deficiency but its what we do to correct the issue that makes or breaks us in having reliable engines. The VG30 has a small oil pan capacity of 4qts…yes that’s right! You read that right 4QTS!!!! A pure bread pedigree Nissan work horse was only given 4qts of oil for its survival, that’s extremely low for the amount of oil this engine really utilizes. So what does one do? Well after seeing what options were on the market and what was being sold for the VG30 I decided to make the ultimate wet sump oil pan that brought all the facets of modern day racing technology to the Z32 community. I spent right at a year developing a new racing oil pan of which took countless measurements to ensure what was about to be designed and made was in fact the best pan people could buy for their Z32.
I decided that once my figures were solid I would contact Moroso to produce my design. I chose them as they are unquestionably the world leader in oil pan technology. The second you mention Moroso you immediately think oil pans and oiling systems, so of course this was the right decision to make. I made the call over to them and spoke with some of my buddies I knew back in the R&D department. Gave them the run down on what I wanted and they drew up the CAD drawings to showcase what my vision was. The first design sort of resembled the stock pan but on more of a race feel look and approach. It was only rated at approx 6qts….still not enough for my liking and I felt we had more to improve upon.

A test pan was fabbed up and sent over to me to do a test fit and see how things were. Again as I mentioned there was more improvements but without a rendering in front of me to physically test out I was only speculating at best on where we could go. So I mocked up the test pan and dropped a block in a chassis I had and noticed a BUNCH of extra room that could be utilized. So back to the drawing board I went into improving my design.

So as you can see a lot of room was still present for me to occupy. This lead to me designing a new and improved version which incorporated a secondary kick out, drop back front on the sump, a newly designed oil pick up tube, and a windage screen.

With this rendering I was 100% a go with the production. A last few minute updates to the pan and it made it a bit easier for the pan to be installed for when you drop the engine in and a few provisions for oil returns and oil cooler return was done. I also integrated an oil temp sensor bung for ppl to utilize for data logging. I thank the members of tt.net for bringing up that valid point to have it included.

Here is the newly designed oil pick up tube. This new design allows users to clean the screen portion between builds unlike the factory cone style which has to be replaced.

Here are the pans being made at the Moroso facility. Professional grade!

Pans get final test with checking for leaks and then sent out to be black zinc coated. This prevents corrosion and gives the pan a well deserved clean look!

And now finally back at my shop fully assembled to a race engine. This oil pan screams performance.

To date this oil pan is the largest and best equipped oil pan on the market for the Z32. A lot of time and effort went into producing this pan for the community. I want to thank Moroso for bringing my creation to life, Rich @ RDZ, and the feedback from the community. Without you guys this project couldn’t have happened.
Oil pan specs are:
8qt capacity
Constructed of brand new sheet metal
4 trap doors (45 degree tilt)
Newly designed pick up tube
Built in Windage Screen
Magnetic Drain Plug
Oil Temp Sensor Provision
Zinc Plated
Twin Kick outs
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at tech@epracing.net
Oil pans are available for purchase now!