L28 suffer from poor casting technology and for its time it was great but as horsepower production increases the castings start to flex, bend and twist. Now there is a solution that will help with keeping your L28 block from doing just that.
Our billet main cap kit features a block brace which ties the pan rails into the billet main caps. Its purpose is to prevent as much block distortion from happening as possible. By integrating this feature you obtain a better system to not only prevent flex and distortion but it also tie all the billet main caps together.
The billet main caps are made of 1045 Alloy for great strength and improved durability to absorb crankshaft vibrations. Made in the USA our kits are the best made in the industry. The billet brace is made of 4130 steel plate and can be made in either 3/8 or 1/2 inch material.